The High Link Schools Private secondary schools mentor 558views High Link Secondary School is a private mixed day school, located in Kayole location, Nairobi County. The High Link Schools Super Hse, 2nd & 3rd Flr P.O.Box: 4379-00200 City Square Mobile: +254-722116524 Bomet Central Technical and Vocational College Public TVET institutions Welcome to Bomet Central TVC Bomet Central TVC... Sotik Technical Training Institute. Featured Institutions ABOUT US Sotik TTI is a TVET... PC Kinyanjui TTI. Public TVET institutions A Centre of Excellence Electrical and... Nairobi Technical Training Institute (NTTI) Public TVET institutions OUR PROFILE Nairobi Technical Training Institute derives its... Bondo Technical Training Institute TVET Institutions Bondo Technical Training Institute is a public... Featured News EDTECH Zetech University Unveils Eco-friendly solar tuk-tuk to Make Transportation Cheaper. EDTECH Google Launches Feature to Limit School Hours Distractions. News KUCCPS Announces KMTC Courses for Grade C & D Students. Public TVET institutions Bomet Central Technical and Vocational College Career Guide Job opportunities after studying abroad. News Institutions of higher learning will re-register courses in an effort to combat false certifications.